Globalization and Networked Societies: Urban-Regional Change in Pacific Asia

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Hardback: $61.00
ISBN-13: 9780824822378
Published: July 2000
Paperback: Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $1.00.
ISBN-13: 9780824823269
Published: July 2000

Additional Information

304 pages
  • About the Book
  • The world in the last two decades of the twentieth century fundamentally and radically changed at a speed and on a scale never before witnessed. The challenge posed at the beginning of the third millennium is enormous for governments and people the world over. Globalization, along with globalism, continues its unrelenting and accelerating march as it draws more countries, cities, and people closer into interdependent relationships. Globalization and Networked Societies attempts to tease out some of the salient elements of this process, especially as it has affected urban centers in Pacific Asia over the past twenty years. Globalization and rapid economic growth have transformed the region and its cities on varied spatial scales, bringing new opportunities and challenges for governments, the private sector, and individuals. All countries in Pacific Asia are covered in this work, with special attention given to Hong Kong and to China, a late bloomer in the Asia scene but nevertheless one that has experienced phenomenal growth and accelerated globalization in recent decades. The empirical analyses reveal the outcome, dilemmas, and meanings of globalization in the urban-regional scene.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Yue-man Yeung, Author

  • Supporting Resources