Brokering a Revolution: Cadres in a Philippine Insurgency

Paperback: $55.00
ISBN-13: 9789715505536
Published: July 2009
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408 pages
  • About the Book
  • “The authors offer original research on cadres in NGOs, transnational networks, urban and village arenas, and among ‘“indigenous”’ and multi-ethnic populations. By exploring the frictions and shifts in allegiance, they capture the dynamics of “‘relational work”’ that shapes a social movement. “”Brokering a Revolution fills an important gap in the literature on the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines)—our knowledge of how the CPP actually ‘‘does it’ within concrete, real-time locales.”—” —Joel Rocamora.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Rosanne Rutten, Editor

  • Supporting Resources