Review of Japanese Culture and Society, vol. 25 (2013)

Distributed for Jōsai International Center for the Promotion of Art and Science, Jōsai University

Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies

From the editors
Mizuta Noriko, Miya Elise Mizuta, Haga Kōichi, Natta Phisphumvidhi, v


Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies
Jordan Sand, Alan Tansman, Dennis Washburn, 1

音楽 Ongaku, Onkyō/Music, Sound
Hosokawa Shūhei, 9

史学 Shigaku/History
Thomas Keirstead, 21

懺悔 Zange/Confession
Christine Marran, 33

美人 Bijin/Beauty
Miya Elise Mizuta, 43

おたく Otaku/Geek
Morikawa Kaichiro, Dennis Washburn, 56

中流 Chūryū/Middling
Jordan Sand, 67

郷土 Kyōdo/Native Soil
Satō Kenji, Jordan Sand, 78

記憶 Kioku, 思い出 Omoide/Memory
Mariko Asano Tamanoi, 87

サブライム Saburaimu/Sublime
Alan Tansman, 99

科学 Kagaku, 究理 Kyūri/Science
Tsukahara Togo, Matthew Fargo, Jordan Sand, 109

文学 Bungaku/Literature
Dennis Washburn, 116

洋画 Yōga/The Western Painting, National Painting, and Global Painting of Japan
Bert Winther-Tamaki, 127

Translated Essays

Excerpts from The Legends of Japan (1929)
Yanagita Kunio, David Humphrey, 137

“Being” and “Doing” (1958)
Maruyama Masao, Dennis Washburn, 152

Group Characteristics Based on “Place” (1967)
Nakane Chie, Paul Roquet, 170

The First Stirrings of Folk Scholarship (Minkangaku) in Modern Japan (1983)
Kano Masanao, David Henry, 179

Plates, 192-199

Art in Focus

Voices of Mono-ha Artists: Contemporary Art in Japan, Circa 1970
Reiko Tomii, Hayato Fujioka, Rika Iezumi Hiro, Reiko Tomii, Mika Yoshitake, 200

What Is Mono-ha?
Mika Yoshitake, 202

Six Contradictions of Mono-ha
Reiko Tomii, 214

Dialogue 1
Sekine Nobuo, Koshimizu Susumu, Joan Kee, Rike Iezumi Hiro, 223

Dialogue 2
Lee Ufan, Suga Kishio, Mika Yoshitake, Reiko Tomii, Mika Yoshitake, 228

Dialogue 3
Haraguchi Noriyuki, Reiko Tomii, Rika Iezumi Hiro, 232

Haraguchi Noriyuki, Koshimizu Susumu, Lee Ufan, Sekine Nobuo, Suga Kishio, Hollis Goodall, Rika Iezumi Hiro, 235

Beyond Being and Nothingness: On Sekine Nobuo (1970–71)
Lee Ufan, Reiko Tomii, 238

On the Contributors, 262