Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English English-Hawaiian Revised and Enlarged Edition

Hardback: $39.99
ISBN-13: 9780824807030
Published: March 1986

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600 pages
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  • About the Book
  • For many years, Hawaiian Dictionary has been the definitive and authoritative work on the Hawaiian language. Now this indispensable reference volume has been enlarged and completely revised. More than 3,000 new entries have been added to the Hawaiian-English section, bringing the total number of entries to almost 30,000 and making it the largest and most complete of any Polynesian dictionary. Other additions and changes in this section include: a method of showing stress groups to facilitate pronunciation of Hawaiian words with more than three syllables; indications of parts of speech; current scientific names of plants; use of metric measurements; additional reconstructions; classical origins of loan words; and many added cross-references to enhance understanding of the numerous nuances of Hawaiian words.

    The English Hawaiian section, a complement and supplement to the Hawaiian English section, contains more than 12,500 entries and can serve as an index to hidden riches in the Hawaiian language. This new edition is more than a dictionary. Containing folklore, poetry, and ethnology, it will benefit Hawaiian studies for years to come.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Mary Kawena Pukui, Author

      Mary Kawena Pukui was a noted authority on the Hawaiian language. She had a long professional association with the Bernice P. Bishop Museum and translated many Hawaiian historical documents. She coauthored, with Samuel H. Elbert, the Hawaiian Dictionary and Place Names of Hawaii.
    • Samuel H. Elbert, Author

      Samuel H. Elbert, professor emeritus of Pacific languages and linguistics at the University of Hawaii, taught the Hawaiian language for many years and is considered one of the foremost authorities on the language today. He is author of the textbook Spoken Hawaiian and is co-author with Mary Pukui of Hawaiian Dictionary, and with Mary Pukui and Esther Mookini of Place Names of Hawaii.
  • Reviews and Endorsements
    • This standard work of reference... continues offering the happy blend of grammar and lexicon.
      American Reference Books Annual
  • Supporting Resources