China Review International, vol. 6, no. 1 (1999)

This issue is available online at Project Muse.


E. Bruce Brooks and A. Taeko Brooks, translators and commentators, The Original Analects: Sayings of Confucius and His Successors; Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont, Jr., translators and commentators, The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation
Reviewed by John Makeham, p. 1

Dai Qing, compiler, The River Dragon Has Come!
Reviewed by Sen-dou Chang, p. 34

Charles Feinstein and Christopher Howe, editors, Chinese Technology Transfer in the 1990s: Current Experience, Historical Problems, and International Perspectives
Reviewed by Richard P. Suttmeier, p. 39


Sarah Allan, The Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue
Reviewed by John Dye, p. 47

Giuliano Bertuccioli and Federico Masini, Italia e Cina
Reviewed by Margherita Zanasi, p. 50

Timothy Brook, The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China
Reviewed by Edward L. Farmer, p. 54

Timothy Brook and B. Michael Frolic, editors, Civil Society in China
Reviewed by Gregory Eliyu Guldinp, p. 56

G. Thompson Brown, Earthen Vessels and Transcendent Power: American Presbyterians in China, 1837-1952
Reviewed by Lawrence Kessler, p. 59

Michael E. Brown and Sumit Ganguly, editors, Government Policies and Ethnic Relations in Asia and the Pacific Reviewed by Gerald A. McBeath, p. 62

Zuoya Cao, The Internal and the External: A Comparison of the Artistic Use of Natural Imagery in English Romantic and Chinese Classic Poetry
Reviewed by Charles Hartman, p. 65

Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II
Reviewed by Mark Eykholt, p. 70

Timothy Cheek, Propaganda and Culture in Mao’s China: Deng Tuo and the Intelligentsia
Reviewed by Peggy Denning, p. 73

Weng Eang Cheong, Hong Merchants of Canton: Chinese Merchants in Sino-Western Trade, 1684-1798
Reviewed by Hugh R. Clark, p. 75

Craig Clunas, Art in China
Reviewed by George Kuwayama, p. 79

Cynthia C. Davidson, editor, Anywise
Reviewed by Hsiao-hung Nancy Chen, p. 83

Wm. Theodore de Bary and Tu Weiming, editors, Confucianism and Human Rights
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, p. 85

Amy D. Dooling and Kristina M. Torgeson, editors, Writing Women in Modern China: An Anthology of Women’s Literature from the Early Twentieth Century
Reviewed by Karen Gernant, p. 90

Bruce A. Elleman, Diplomacy and Deception: The Secret History of Sino-Soviet Diplomatic Relations, 1917-1927 Reviewed by Chen-kuan Chuang, p. 92

Mark Elvin, Changing Stories in the Chinese World
Reviewed by Karen Gernant, p. 103

Feng Jicai, Ten Years of Madness: Oral Histories of China’s Cultural Revolution
Reviewed by Michael Schoenhals, p. 106

Herbert Franke and Hok-lam Chan, Studies on the Jurchens and the Chin Dynasty
Reviewed by Michael R. Drompp, p. 108

Bernhard Fuehrer, Chinas erste Poetik: Das Shipin (Kriterion Poietikon) des Zhong Rong (467?-518)
Reviewed by Michael Schimmelpfennig, p. 112

John W. Garver, Face Off: China, the United States, and Taiwan’s Democratization
Reviewed by Parris H. Chang, p. 118

Melvyn C. Goldstein, The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama
Reviewed by William M. Coleman, IV, p. 122

Gregory Eliyu Guldin, editor, Farewell to Peasant China: Rural Urbanization and Social Change in the Late Twentieth Century
Reviewed by Fritz Gaenslen, p. 126

Jonathan R. Herman, I and Tao: Martin Buber’s Encounter with Chuang Tzu
Reviewed by John Allen Tucker, p. 132

Emily Honig, editor, Chinese Women’s History, special issue of Journal of Women’s History, vol. 8, no. 4 (Winter 1997)
Reviewed by Lisa Raphals, p. 137

Theodore Huters, R. Bin Wong, and Pauline Yu, editors, Culture and State in Chinese History: Conventions, Accommodations, and Critiques
Reviewed by Roger Des Forges, p. 139

Philip J. Ivanhoe, Confucian Moral Self Cultivation
Reviewed by Don J. Wyatt, p. 146

Roger B. Jeans and Katie Letcher Lyle, editors, Goodbye to Old Peking: The Wartime Letters of U.S. Marine Captain John Seymour Letcher, 1937-1939
Reviewed by Phyllis Zimmerman, p. 151

Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, editor, China’s Economic Future–Challenges to U.S. Policy Reviewed by Clyde D. Stoltenberg, p. 154

Paul R. Katz, Demon Hordes and Burning Boats: The Cult of Marshal Wen in Late Imperial Chekiang
Reviewed by Wing-kai To, p. 157

Terry F. Kleeman, Great Perfection: Religion and Ethnicity in a Chinese Millennial Kingdom
Reviewed by Paul Katz, p. 161

Nick Knight, Li Da and Marxist Philosophy in China
Reviewed by Thomas D. Lutze, p. 166

Livia Kohn and Michael LaFargue, editors, Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching
Reviewed by David C. Yu , p. 171

Daniel Y. K. Kwan, Marxist Intellectuals and the Chinese Labor Movement: A Study of Deng Zhongxia, 1894-1933
Reviewed by Xiaorong Han, p. 179

Leung Ping-kwan, City at the End of Time
Reviewed by Ming-Bao Yue, p. 184

Xiaobing Li and Hongshan Li, editors, China and the United States: A New Cold War History
Reviewed by Leonard H. D. Gordon, p. 188

Xiufeng Liu, editor, Mathematics and Science Curriculum Change in the People’s Republic of China
Reviewed by Vilma Seeberg, p. 193

Roderick MacFarquhar, The Origins of the Cultural Revolution, volume 3, The Coming of the Cataclysm, 1961-1966
Reviewed by Dali L. Yang, p. 197

Stewart MacPherson and Joseph Y. S. Cheng, editors, Economic and Social Development in South China
Reviewed by Graham E. Johnson, p. 200

John Makeham, Name and Actuality in Early Chinese Thought
Reviewed by Moss Roberts, p. 204

Ka-ho Mok, Intellectuals and the State in Post-Mao China
Reviewed by Irene Eber, p. 208

Andrew J. Nathan, China’s Transition
Reviewed by Ranbir Vohra, p. 211

Janet Ng and Janice Wickeri, May Fourth Women Writers: Memoirs
Reviewed by Mabel Lee, p. 215

Greg O’Leary, editor, Adjusting to Capitalism: Chinese Workers and the State
Reviewed by Maria Chan Morgan, p. 219

S. C. M. Paine, Imperial Rivals: China, Russia, and Their Disputed Frontier
Reviewed by Jeanne L. Wilson, p. 223

Ren Guiquan, He Xin’en, and Liu Xiaobai, editors, Shaoxing shizhi (Shaoxing annals)
Reviewed by Sen-dou Chang, p. 226

Stephen J. Roddy, Literati Identity and Its Fictional Representations in Late Imperial China
Reviewed by Paul S. Ropp, p. 230

Hermann-Josef Röllicke, “Selbst-Erweisung”: Der Ursprung des ziran-Gedankens in der chinesischen Philosophie des 4. und 3. Jhs. v. Chr.
Reviewed by Horst W. Huber, p. 237

Justin Jon Rudelson, Oasis Identities: Uyghur Nationalism along China’s Silk Road
Reviewed by Christopher M. Flemming, p. 256

Edward L. Shaughnessy, Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics
Reviewed by Kenneth Goodall, p. 261

Tianjian Shi, Political Participation in Beijing
Reviewed by Suzanne Ogden, p. 265

Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, Liao Architecture
Reviewed by Marilyn Gridley, p. 271

Lynn A. Struve, editor and translator, Voices from the Ming-Qing Cataclysm: China in Tigers’ Jaws
Reviewed by Kenneth Hammond, p. 275

Zhonghui Wang, A Study of Public Policy Influences upon the Development of China’s Rural Enterprises 1978-1992 Reviewed by Elliott Parker 277

Rob Wilson and Wimal Dissanayake, editors, Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary. Asia-Pacific: Culture, Politics, and Society
Reviewed by David L. Wank 280

Marc Winter, “… Und Cang Jie erfand die Schrift”-Ein Handbuch für den Gebrauch des Shuo Wen Jie Zi (“… And Cang Jie invented writing”: A handbook for the use of the Shuowen jiezi)
Reviewed by Hans van Ess, p. 283

R. Bin Wong, China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience
Reviewed by Michael Gasster, p. 287

Don J. Wyatt, The Recluse of Loyang: Shao Yung and the Moral Evolution of Early Sung Thought
Reviewed by Kai-wing Chow, p. 292

Xi Xi, A Girl like Me and Other Stories
Reviewed by Mabel Lee, p. 215

Yuan Xinbang, Luo Peilin, and He Yuying, Hunyin, xingbie, yu xing: Yige dangdai Zhongguo nongcun de kaocha (Marriage, gender, and sex: A study of a modern Chinese village)
Reviewed by Kate Xiao Zhou, p. 297

David Zweig, Freeing China’s Farmers: Rural Restructuring in the Reform Era
Reviewed by C. Montgomery Broaded, p. 300