China Review International, vol. 15, no. 4 (2008)


Francesca Bray, Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, and Georges Métailié, editors. Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China: The Warp and the Weft
Reviewed by Nathan Sivin, 455

Yong Deng. China’s Struggle for Status: The Realignment of International Relations
Reviewed by Edward Friedman, 465

Erik Zürcher, translator. Kuoduo richao: Li Jiubiao’s Diary of Oral Admonitions: A Late Ming Christian Journal; W. South Coblin. Francisco Varo’s Glossary of the Mandarin Language
Reviewed by R. Po-chia Hsia, 470

Erik Zürcher’s Study of Christianity in Seventeenth-Century China: An Intellectual Portrait
by Nicolas Standaert, 476


Recent PRC Studies on Modern Chinese History
by Joseph W. Esherick, 503

Cai Jiayi 蔡家艺. Qingdai Xinjiang shehui jingji shigang 清代新疆社会经济史纲 (An outline history of Xinjiang’s society and economy)
Reviewed by Judd Kinzley, 506

Chen Zhiping 陈支平. Lishixue de kunhuo 历史学的困惑 (Predicaments in historical studies)
Reviewed by Jenwa Hsung, 511

Gao Hua 高華. Hong taiyang shi zenyang shengqi de 紅太陽是怎樣升起的: 延安整風運動的來龍去脈 (How did the red sun rise over Yan’an? A history of the rectification movement)
Reviewed by David Cheng Chang, 515

Liu Haiyan 刘海岩. Kongjian yu shehui: Jindai Tianjin chengshi de yanbian 空间与社会: 近代天津城市的演变 (Space and society: The transformation of modern Tianjin)
Reviewed by Jenny Huangfu, 522

Luo Zhitian 罗志田. Jibian shidai de wenhua yu zhengzhi: Cong xinwenhua yundong dao beifa 激变时代的文化与政治:从新文化运动到北伐 (Culture and politics in an era of radical change: From the New Culture Movement to the Northern Expedition)
Reviewed by Emily Baum, 528

Mao Haijian 茅海建. Tianchao de bengkui: Yapian zhanzheng zai yanjiu 天朝的崩溃: 鸦片战争再研究 (The collapse of the Celestial Empire: A reanalysis of the Opium War)
Reviewed by David Cheng Chang, 533

Sang Bing 桑兵. Gengzi qinwang yu wan Qing zhengju 庚子勤王与晚清政局 (The 1900 loyalist movement and late Qing politics)
Reviewed by Justin Jacobs, 539

Tang Haijiang 唐海江. Qingmo zhenglun baokan yu minzhong dongyuan: Yizhong zhengzhi wenhua de shijiao 清末政论报刊与民众动员: 一种政治文化的视角 (Political newspapers and journals of the late Qing and popular mobilization: A political culture perspective
Reviewed by Jomo Smith, 544

Yu Xinzhong 余新忠. Zhongguo jiating shi, volume 4: Ming-Qing shiqi 中国家庭史, 第四巷: 明清时期 (Chinese family history: The Ming-Qing period)
Reviewed by Maggie Greene, 549


Athwal Amardeep. China-India Relations: Contemporary Dynamics
Reviewed by Alka Acharya, 553

Stephen R. Bokenkamp. Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China
Reviewed by David Falgout, 561

Carolyn L. Hsu. Creating Market Socialism: How Ordinary People Are Shaping Class and Status in China
Reviewed by Qichun Chen, 566

Joseph Hsu. Daodejing: A Literal-Critical Translation
Reviewed by James D. Sellmann, 568

John Makeham. Lost Soul: “Confucianism” in Contemporary Chinese Academic Discourse
Reviewed by Sor-hoon Tan, 576

Pál Nyíri. Scenic Spots: Chinese Tourism, the State, and Cultural Authority
Reviewed by Liping A. Cai, 583

Simon Winchester. The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 588

Yongnin Zheng and Joseph Fewsmith. China’s Opening Society: The Non-State Sector and Governance
Reviewed by Peter Yang, 594

Works Received, 597