China Review International, vol. 12, no. 2 (2005)

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Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 7, The Social Background, Part 2, General Conclusions and Reflections
Reviewed by Nathan Sivin, 297

Janet M. Theiss, Disgraceful Matters: The Politics of Chastity in Eighteenth-Century China Reviewed by Robert E. Hegel, 307

John Makeham, Transmitters and Creators: Chinese Commentators and Commentaries on the Analects
Reviewed by Don J. Wyatt, 311

The Local in the Global: Understanding, Explanation, and System (reviewing Stephen Feuchtwang, editor, Making Place: State Projects, Globalization and Local Responses in China)
Reviewed by Jamie Morgan, 322

Getting Beyond the Boundaries: Zhuangzi’s Ethics of Otherness (reviewing Steven Coutinho, Zhuangzi and Early Chinese Philosophy: Vagueness, Transformation, and Paradox
Reviewed by Shaobo Xie, 332

Peng Guoxiang, Liangzhi xue de zhankai—Wang Longxi yu zhongwan Ming de Yangming xue (The unfolding of the learning of innate knowledge of the good—Wang Longxi and Yangming learning in the mid-late Ming)
Reviewed by On-cho Ng, 342


Response to Review by Franklin Woo of The New Chinese Empire: And What It Means for the United States
By Ross Terrill, 348

Reply to Ross Terrill
By Franklin Woo, 349


Qianshen Bai, Fu Shan’s World: The Transformation of Chinese Calligraphy in the Seventeenth Century
Reviewed by Anne Burkus-Chasson, 351

Jiemen Bao, Marital Acts: Gender, Sexuality, and Identity among the Chinese Thai Diaspora
Reviewed by Jenny Godley, 357

James Behuniak, Jr, Mencius on Becoming Human
Reviewed by Robert Eno, 359

Alan J. Berkowitz, Patterns of Disengagement: The Practice and Portrayal of Reclusion in Early Medieval China
Reviewed by Robert Ford Campany, 364

Chris Berry and Feii Lu, editors, Island on the Edge: Taiwan Cinema and After
Reviewed by Tan Ye, 367

Morris L. Bian, The Making of the State Enterprise System in Modern China: The Dynamics of Institutional Change
Reviewed by Satyananda J. Gabriel, 369

Michel Bonnin, Génération perdue: Le mouvement d’envoi des jeunes instruits à la campagne en Chine, 1968–1980 (Lost generation: The movement sending educated youth to China’s countryside, 1968–1980)
Reviewed by Vincent K. Pollard, 373

Cynthia J. Brokaw and Kai-Wing Chow, editors, Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China
Reviewed by P. F. Kornicki, 377

Tung X. Bui, David C. Yang, Wayne D. Jones and Joanna Z. Li, editors, China’s Economic Power House: Economic Reform in Guangdong Province
Reviewed by Yongjin Zhang, 381

Cao Jinqing, China along the Yellow River: Reflections on Rural Society
Reviewed by Gene Cooper, 383

Sing-chen Lydia Chiang, Collecting the Self: Body and Identity in Strange Tale Collections of Late Imperial China
Reviewed by Rania Huntington, 387

Anita Chung, Drawing Boundaries: Architectural Images in Qing China
Reviewed by Minghui Hu, 392

Craig Clunas, Elegant Debts: The Social Art of Wen Zhengming, 1470–1559
Reviewed by Suzanne Wright, 395

Elisabettta Corsi, La fábrica de las illusiones: Los Jesuitas y la difusión de la perspectiva lineal en China, (1698–1766)
Reviewed by John W. Witek, S.J., 398

Thomas David DuBois, The Sacred Village: Social Change and Religious Life in Rural North China
Reviewed by Wang Li, 401

Mark Elvin, The Retreat of the Elephants: An Environmental History of China
Reviewed by Graham Parkes, 404

Erika E. S. Evasdottir, Obedient Autonomy: Chinese Intellectuals and the Achievement of Orderly Life
Reviewed by Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, 407

Fu Hualing, Carole J. Petersen, and Simon N. M. Young, editors, National Security and Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong’s Article 23 under Scrutiny
Reviewed by Robert J. Morris, 410

Robert H. Gassmann, Antikchinesisches Kalenderwesen: Die Rekonstruktion der chunqiu-zeitlichen Kalender des Fürstentums Lu und der Zhou-Könige (The ancient Chinese calendar system: The reconstruction of the Spring and Autumn–period calendar of the Principality of Lu and of the Zhou Kings)
Reviewed by Hans van Ess, 415

Evelyn Goh, Constructing the U.S. Rapprochement with China, 1961–1974: From “Red Menace” to “Tacit Ally”
Reviewed by Robert Sutter, 417

Edmund Terence Gomez and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, editors, Chinese Business in Southeast Asia: Contesting Cultural Explanations, Researching Entrepreneurship
Reviewed by Derek Heng Thiam Soon, 419

Joanna Grant, A Chinese Physician: Wang Ji and the “Stone Mountain Medical Case Histories”
Reviewed by Bridie Andrews Minehan, 423

John Henry Gray, China: A History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People
Reviewed by Judith Green, 426

Qitao Guo, Ritual Opera and Mercantile Lineage: The Confucian Transformation of Popular Culture in Late Imperial Huizhou
Reviewed by Megan Evans, 430

Guo Xiaoqin, State and Society in China’s Democratic Transition: Confucianism, Leninism, and Economic Development
Reviewed by Robert E. Gamer, 436

Patrick Hanan, Chinese Fiction of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Reviewed by Ying Wang, 441

Henrietta Harrison, The Man Awakened from Dreams: One Man’s Life in a North China Village, 1857–1942
Reviewed by Dan Shao, 445

Virginia Harper Ho, Labor Dispute Resolution in China: Implications for Labor Rights and Legal Reform
Reviewed by Mark W. Frazier, 448

Martin Huang, editor, Snakes Legs: Sequels, Continuations, Rewritings and Chinese Fiction
Reviewed by Victoria Cass, 451

Christopher R. Hughes and Gudrun Wacker, editors, China and the Internet: Politics of the Digital Leap Forward
Reviewed by Jack Linchuan Qiu, 455

Åshild Kolås and Monika P. Thowsen, On the Margins of Tibet: Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier
Reviewed by A. Tom Grunfeld, 458

Shuyu Kong, Consuming Literature: Best Sellers and the Commercialization of Literary Production in Contemporary China
Reviewed by Jason McGrath, 461

Janghee Lee, Xunzi and Early Chinese Naturalism
Reviewed by Paul R. Goldin, 466

Mark Leenhouts, Leaving the World to Enter the World: Han Shaogong and Chinese Root-Seeking Literature
Reviewed by Rong Cai, 469

Martin Lehnert, Partitur des Lebens: Die Liaofan si xun von Yuan Huang (1533–1606) Reviewed by Michael Leibold, 474

Cheng Li, editor, Bridging Minds across the Pacific: U.S.-China Educational Exchanges, 1978–2003
Reviewed by Hongshan Li, 477

Huaiyin Li, Village Governance in North China 1875–1936
Reviewed by Henrietta Harrison, 485

Michael Loewe, The Men Who Governed Han China: Companion to A Biographical Dictionary of the Qin, Former Han and Xin Periods
Reviewed by R.R.C. de Crespigny, 487

Jie Lu, Dismantling Time: Chinese Literature in the Age of Globalization
Reviewed by Robin Visser, 491

Sheldon H. Lu and Emille Yueh-yu Yeh, editors, Chinese-Language Film: Historiography, Poetics, Politics
Reviewed by James Udden, 497

Christopher Lupke, editor, The Magnitude of Ming: Command, Allotment, and Fate in Chinese Culture
Reviewed by Tongdong Bai, 501

Ma Jisen, The Cultural Revolution in the Foreign Ministry of China
Reviewed by Jin Qiu, 509

Joyce A. Madancy, The Troublesome Legacy of Commissioner Lin: The Opium Trade and Opium Suppression in Fujian Province, 1820s to 1920s
Reviewed by Lars Peter Laamann, 512

Victor H. Mair, Nancy S. Steinhardt, and Paul R. Goldin, editors, Hawaii Reader in Traditional Chinese Culture
Reviewed by Endymion Wilkinson, 515

Thomas Michael, The Pristine Dao: Metaphysics in Early Daoist Discourse
Reviewed by Leah Kalmanson, 520

Sherry J. Mou, Gentlemen’s Prescriptions for Women’s Lives: A Thousand Years of Biographies of Chinese Women
Reviewed by Judith Liu, 524

Pun Ngai, Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace
Reviewed by Karen Garner, 528

Randall Peerenboom, China’s Long March toward Rule of Law
Reviewed by Robert J. Morris, 532

Peter C. Perdue, China Marches West: The Qing Conquest of Central Eurasia
Reviewed by Franklin J. Woo, 538

Mu-chou Poo, Enemies of Civilization: Attitudes toward Foreigners in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China
Reviewed by Jerry H. Bentley, 545

Thomas H. Reilly, The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom: Rebellion and the Blasphemy of Empire
Reviewed by Miguel Angel González Chandía, 547

Morris Rossabi, Modern Mongolia: From Khans to Commissars to Capitalists
Reviewed by Naran Bilik, 550

Song Geng, The Fragile Scholar: Power and Masculinity in Chinese Culture
Reviewed by Wang Yiyan, 554

Lynn A. Struve, editor, The Qing Formation in World-Historical Time
Reviewed by Gang Zhao, 558

Ban Wang, Illuminations from the Past: Trauma, Memory, and History in Modern China
Reviewed by Haun Saussy, 562

Jeanne L. Wilson, Strategic Partners: Russian-Chinese Relations in the Post-Soviet Era
Reviewed by Elizabeth Wishnick, 564

Elizabeth Wishnick, Mending Fences: The Evolution of Moscow’s China Policy from Brezhnev to Yeltsin
Reviewed by Rouben Azizian, 567

Dorothy C. Wong, Chinese Steles: Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form
Reviewed by Jonathan Pettit, 570

Yunxiang Yan, Private Life under Socialism: Love, Intimacy, and Family Change in a Chinese Village 1949–1999
Reviewed by Mary Scoggin, 574

Dali Yang, Remaking the Chinese Leviathan
Reviewed by Kun-Chin Lin, 577

Yang Guobin (translator into English) and Zhou Zhenfu (translator into modern Chinese), [Liu Xie,] Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind
Reviewed by Eugene Chen Eoyang, 587

Y. M. Yeung and Shen Jianfa, editors, Developing China’s West: A Critical Path to Balanced National Development
Reviewed by Terry McGee, 589

Xueguang Zhou, The State and the Life Chances in Urban China: Redistribution and Stratification, 1949–1994
Reviewed by Xiaojun Wang, 592

Books Received, 596