Hurdles Facing New Humanities Journals

Abstract: While the barriers to international scholarly communication have never been lower, the hurdles facing any new journal seeking to gain a respectable foothold in academic institutions are rising, not falling. Among the factors most responsible for lowering barriers are the rapid spread of digital connectivity and the ease of using electronic media. Among the latest obstacles to be surmounted are sharp cuts in library budgets; the dispersal of journal identities into individual articles; and the rise of bureaucratic journal ranking systems in the humanities that use arbitrary and hidebound criteria to rate scholarly output.

Read the full article here.

Archives of Asian Art, vol. 58 (2008)

Archives of Asian Art vol. 58 cover
Vol. 58 (2008) of the Archives of Asian Art has just debuted in the Project MUSE Premium Collection of electronic journals. Vol. 59 (2009) is in proofs and is on track to appear later this year.

The table of contents below contains links to the MUSE edition of each article, along with a sample image from each of the main articles.


The Eleventh-century Daxiongbaodian of Kaihuasi and Architectural Style in Southern Shanxi’s Shangdang Region
Tracy Miller, p. 1

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Archives of Asian Art Goes Digital

Asia Society logoThe Asia Society‘s venerable Archives of Asian Art, which spent its youth and teenage years as the Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America, goes digital this year. JSTOR logoVolumes 1 (1945/46) though 55 (2005) have just made their online debut in the Arts & Sciences V Collection at JSTOR, where a new back volume will be added each year.

Those who cannot wait to see current volumes appear online will be pleased to know that volumes 57 (2007) through 59 (2009) are scheduled to debut in Project MUSE‘s Premium Collection by year-end. In 2010, when JSTOR mounts volume 56 (2006) online, the whole run of the Archives of Asian Art will finally be available in electronic as well as print editions.

Archives of Asian Art, vol. 57 (2007)

Archives of Asian Art, vol. 57 (2007)Vol. 57 (2007) of the Archives of Asian Art, now published by the University of Hawai‘i Press for the Asia Society, has finally appeared in print. We apologize for the long delay.

Archives of Asian Art is an annual journal devoted to the arts of South, Southeast, Central, and East Asia. Each issue presents articles by leading scholars and a selection of outstanding works of Asian art acquired by North American museums during the previous year. The editors attempt to maintain a balanced representation of regions and types of art, as well as a variety of scholarly perspectives.

The Table of Contents of volume 57 follows, along with a sample of the art discussed in each article.
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