Biography, vol. 29, no. 3 (2006)

Biography 29.3 cover imageCover Art

Editors’ Note, p. iii


Jaume Aurell
Autobiographical Texts as Historiographical Sources: Rereading Fernand Braudel and Annie Kriegel, p. 425
This article engages autobiographical texts by French historians Fernand Braudel and Annie Kriegal as historiographical sources that help us comprehend the intersection between personal lives and scholarly production. This perspective serves as a reference for comprehending the way historians construct our access to the knowledge of the past to increase our understanding not only of history, but importantly, of the writing of history.

Jennifer Jensen Wallach
Building a Bridge of Words: The Literary Autobiography as Historical Source Material, p. 446
Certain aspects of historical reality can best be captured by literary autobiographies. Historical reality is inherently perspectival. Autobiography effectively describes the universe as it appeared from different acknowledged perspectives, enabling historians to rethink and refeel past experiences. Literary techniques such as irony and metaphor make autobiography a particularly evocative historical source material.

Alexis Harley
“This reversed order of things”: Re-Orientation aboard HMS Beagle, p. 462
This essay explores how Darwin’s Beagle Diary navigates between geographical and intellectual travel in logging a literal voyage of discovery; it focuses on the diary’s allegorical use of geography in a narrative of religious disorientation, and on Darwin’s descriptions of the disorienting effects of encountering different cultures and environments.


History, Historians, and Autobiography, by Jeremy D. Popkin, p. 481
Reviewed by Allan Megill

Arms and the Self: War, the Military, and Autobiographical Writing, edited by Alex Vernon, p. 486
Reviewed by Frances B. Cogan

Sounds of Defiance: The Holocaust, Multilingualism, and the Problem of English, by Alan Rosen, p. 490
Reviewed by Natania Rosenfeld

Trauma Cinema: Documenting Incest and the Holocaust, by Janet Walker, p. 493
Reviewed by Tom Conley

Auto/Biography and Identity: Women, Theatre and Performance, edited by Maggie B. Gale and Viv Gardner, p. 495
Reviewed by Susan Bennett

Five Empresses: Court Life in Eighteenth-Century Russia, by Evgenii V. Anisimov, p. 497
Reviewed by Ruth Dawson

At the House of Gathered Leaves: Shorter Biographical and Autobiographical Narratives from Japanese Court Literature, by Joshua Mostow, p. 500
Reviewed by Robert Huey

Imagining Lives: Autobiographical Fiction of Yiddish Writers, by Jan Schwartz, p. 502
Reviewed by Amelia Glaser

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