Biography, vol. 27, no. 4 (2006)

Editor’s Note, p. v


Victoria A. Elmwood
“Happy, Happy, Ever After”: The Transformation of Trauma between the Generations in Art Spiegelman’s Maus: A Survivor’s Tale, p. 691

This essay considers Maus as a work that spans the genres of autobiography and collaborative biography, as Art Spiegelman negotiates the difficulties of heteropathic identification—most successfully with his father Vladek, and more problematically with his mother Anja and brother Richieu. In analyzing the ways that Spiegelman struggles to narrate an identity within a family for whose founding trauma he was absent, the essay also investigates the ways that he seeks to intervene in public debates on visual art of the Holocaust.

Frédéric Regard
Replacing the Self in Cardinal Newman’s Apologia, p. 721

This essay analyzes how Newman’s Apologia seeks to articulate nineteenthcentury conceptions of time through a canonical conception of prophetism, and how the question of private space is made into a national issue through Newman’s narrative. The paper finally argues that Newman’s technique of “replacement” deconstructs itself as a metaphorical process, which makes for the unique literariness of the Apologia.

Donna Krolik Hollenberg
“Obscure Directions”: Interpreting Denise Levertov’s Ambivalence about Ezra Pound, p. 737

This essay documents Levertov’s ambivalence about Ezra Pound as it appears in a variety of sources, both public and private. It explores the discovery of this ambivalence in Levertov’s life and in her poetic development, particularly in relation to her ethnic identity and friendship with members of Pound’s circle. It also discusses the biographer’s problems in interpreting this documentary evidence in the light of such recognized psychological issues as empathy, idealization, and anger, issues particularly pertinent to the female biographer/subject relationship. The essay shows that, in writing about Levertov’s ambivalence about Pound, the biographer undergoes a similar process of self-discovery, one that uncovers differences as well as points of imaginative congruity.

Phyllis E. Wachter
Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2003–2004, p. 751


After Such Knowledge: Memory, History, and the Legacy of the Holocaust, by Eva Hoffman, p. 845
Reviewed by Pamela S. Nadell

The Russian Memoir: History and Literature, edited by Beth Holmgren, p. 847
Reviewed by John M. Kopper

Isabel Rules: Constructing Queenship, Wielding Power, by Barbara Weissberger, p. 851
Reviewed by Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt

A Geography of Hard Times: Narratives about Travel in South America, 1780–1840, by Angela Pérez-Mejía, p. 853
Reviewed by Juan Francesco Maura

Woman as Witness: Essays on Testimonial Literature by Latin American Women, edited by Linda S. Maier and Isabel Dulfano, p. 855
Reviewed by Catherine Davies

Captive Women: Oblivion and Memory in Argentina, by Susana Rotker, p. 859
Reviewed by Alyce Cook

Contentious Lives: Two Argentine Women, Two Protests, and the Quest for Recognition, by Javier Auyero, p. 862
Reviewed by David Rock

Ghosts of Slavery: A Literary Archaeology of Black Women’s Lives, by Jenny Sharpe, p. 865
Reviewed by Verene A. Shepherd

Harriet Tubman: The Life and the Life Stories, by Jean M. Humez, p. 868
Reviewed by Cassandra Jackson

Red Cloud: Photographs of a Lakota Chief, by Frank H. Goodyear III, p. 870
Reviewed by Christopher Nelson

Literary Liaisons: Auto/Biographical Appropriations in Modernist Women’s Fiction, by Lynette Felber, p. 874
Reviewed by Suzette Henke

Excerpts from recent reviews of biographies, autobiographies, and other works of interest

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INDEX, p. 951