Buddhist-Christian Studies

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Additional Information

ISSN: 0882-0945
E-ISSN: 1527-9472
Frequency: Annual

A scholarly journal devoted to Buddhism and Christianity and their historical and contemporary interrelationships, Buddhist-Christian Studies presents thoughtful articles, conference reports, and book reviews. It also includes sections on comparative methodology and historical comparisons, as well as ongoing discussions from two dialogue conferences: the Theological Encounter with Buddhism, and the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies. Membership in the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies includes a subscription to the journal.

Join the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies 

Read Online:

  • Recent Articles
  • Editors' Introduction
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Incarnation and Manifestation: A Franciscan-Augustinian Approach to Mahāyāna Theology
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Shinjin, Faith, and Sacramental Metaphysics
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Sixth-Century Chinese Manuscript Sheds Light on the Transferability of Merit and Suffering and on the Intersection of Politics and Religion
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    There Is Nothing to Acquire: Comparing the Unborn Mind and the Silent Land
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Buddhism, Aryan Discourse, Racism, and the Influence of Christianity in Colonial Ceylon
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Comparative Theology as a Postcolonial Hermeneutics: A Global Historical Approach to the Encounter between Augustinian Christianity and Tiantai Buddhism
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Suffering, Self, and Structures: Remarks for Buddhist-Christian Thought and Spiritual Care
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Thich Nhat Hanh and Creative Arts
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Thich Nhat Hanh's Interpretation of the Dharma as a Viable Spirituality in a Secular Age
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    The Bodhisattva Peace Activist
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Equitable Access to Nature and Transformational Politics
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Grounding Ethics Nondualistically: Fruit from a Synthetic Reading of John Wesley and Masao Abe
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Aporetic Belonging: Thinking the Experience of Buddhist-Christian Practice with Gillian Rose
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Honoring, Listening, and Fostering Peace through Friendship: SBCS Annual Meeting November 17–18, 2023, San Antonio
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    SBCS Participation in Interfaith Coalition Conference for Global Citizens and Visit to Sogang University Reports
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    SBCS Members Travel to Taiwan
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Frederick J. Streng Award for Excellence in Buddhist-Christian Studies
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    A Wild and Sacred Call: Nature–Psyche–Spirit by Will W. Adams (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Obstacles to Stillness: Thoughts, Hindrances, and Self-surrender in Evagrius and the Buddha by Shodhin K. Geiman (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Glimpses of God and Other Essays by Paul O. Ingram (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Buddhism and Its Religious Others: Historical Encounters and Representations ed. by C. V. Jones (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Baptizing Burma: Religious Change in the Last Buddhist Kingdom by Alexandra Kaloyanides (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    Classical Theism and Buddhism: Connecting Metaphysical and Ethical Systems by Tyler Dalton McNabb and Erik Baldwin (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

    The Making of American Buddhism by Scott A. Mitchell (review)
    Posted on Saturday October 26, 2024

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  • Author Guidelines
  • Buddhist-Christian Studies is a scholarly journal published annually by the University of Hawai‘i Press. It presents research papers, book reviews, and news items on Buddhism and Christianity, their interrelation, and comparative study based on historical materials and contemporary experience.

    The materials selected for publication will be balanced between historical research and contemporary practice, and, where possible, they should employ analytical and theoretical tools and be set within the framework of our shared human history. The journal also recognizes that religious studies must involve subjective as well as objective and theoretical investigations if they are to be effective in the search for knowledge. Accordingly, in selecting papers for publication, value is placed on the clarity of presentation and on significance for enlarging religious understanding for scholars, religious thinkers, and the educated public.

    In preparing manuscripts for submission, authors of academic papers, book reviews, and news items must conform to the submission guidelines given in this volume.

    The first page of the manuscript must contain the author’s contact information:

    (a) the title of the manuscript, (b) the name of the author, (c) the author’s affiliation, (d) postal address, (e) email address, and (f) telephone and fax numbers.

    All manuscripts should be prepared for electronic editing and typesetting. Use a standard word-processing program such as Microsoft Word and submit both RTF (Rich Text Format) and PDF versions of the manuscript. Diacritic marks should be used for foreign language terms, and, wherever possible, use a Unicode font. The preferred font is Times New Roman, 12 pt.

    If a contribution is in another language, the original and an English translation must be submitted. The system of transliteration used for foreign terms and names should be consistent within each article and should conform to generally accepted practice.

    Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quotations and for supplying complete references in the form of endnotes. In formatting endnotes authors must use the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., rev. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010).

    The editors receive manuscripts for publication. All submissions should be sent to Thomas Cattoi and/or Kristin Johnston Largen at tcattoi@scu.edu and klargen@wartburgseminary.edu, respectively. Books for review should be sent to the book review editor: Jason VonWachenfeldt at PO Box 6433, Lawrenceville, NJ, 08648, USA; News items should be sent to the News and Views editor: John Becker at john.becker@lyon.edu.

    All manuscripts are subject to anonymous peer reviewing before acceptance and may receive editorial modifications in the course of publication. The editors will make every effort to have all submissions evaluated in a timely manner.

    After a manuscript has been accepted, it will go through copyediting, proofreading, and composition. Authors may receive queries during this production process. Only minor adjustments should be made at this time, and authors should respond in a timely manner. Extensive changes to proofs may result in delays, are costly, and therefore should be limited to correction of printer’s errors and errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or fact.

    Manuscript submission guidelines

    With very few exceptions, manuscripts are copyedited and composed electronically from files supplied by authors. Guidelines for preparing the copy follow. It is hoped that they will aid you in preparing your materials for the best possible results with electronic type.


    Most standard word-processing software programs from either Windows or Macintosh systems are acceptable, but MS Word is likely to be easier to convert than WordPerfect. In most cases, it is best to include a second version of your file in RTF (Rich Text Format), which preserves italics and footnotes, or plain text (ASCII) as a worst-case backup.

    Please save your final submission files using your surname and type of manuscript or file submitted (e.g., Cattoi_article.docx, Cattoi_table2.docx, Anderson_review.doc, Anderson_fig1.jpeg, Seitz_news.rtf, etc.)

    Please email your submission to the editors indicating the name of the word-processing program used (e.g., “MS Word 2004 for Mac”) along with short versions of the author(s) and title(s), an abstract (no more than 350 words), and keywords (minimum of three).

    Be sure to retain copies of the final files for your reference.

    Make no further changes to the manuscript files once they have been submitted.

    Contact Information

    Please provide your most current email address with your final manuscript so we may contact you with any queries. Upon acceptance of your manuscript, you will also be asked to sign a publication agreement from University of Hawai`i Press, our publisher, in order to proceed with publication. Please include your complete contact information, including current mailing address, on this form. Please notify the editors of any changes to email or mailing address during production.

    Buddhist-Christian Studies does not include contributor notes, but authors may note institutional affiliation in their byline.

    Special characters and fonts 

    Many of our authors use either Asian-language word-processing software or various add-on programs (such as Twinbridge) that allow Asian characters to be entered and edited in (Eurocentric) standard Mac or Windows word-processing programs. Many also rely on specially purchased or customized fonts, or WordPerfect “compose” codes, to enter unusual characters or diacritics. None of these can be easily converted. The most reliable method is to replace each such special character with a spelled-out substitute enclosed in angle brackets, such as or . Be sure to submit a listing of all such codes used.

    As an author, if you use a Unicode font for your work, problems that arise with regard to proper diacritics when the data is transferred from one person to another can be avoided. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you use a Unicode font so that foreign language terms can be displayed properly without any distortion.

    Figures and Tables (Illustrations)

    Submit figure and plate captions as a separate file—all captions in one file. Be sure that each table is on a separate page and is double-spaced. In the text, indicate approximate placements of tables and figures (within angle brackets), each on a separate line as follows:


    Figures must be provided in 300 dpi resolution for visual clarity in print. Trim size of the journal is 6 x 9 inches or 27 x 47-1/4 picas. Preferred file format is .tiff or .jpeg.

    All print images will appear in grayscale. Color images may also be provided, but they will appear in the online version only.

    Tables must fit into an 8.5 x 11 inch document in portrait or landscape format. MS Word documents are preferred, though MS Excel files will also be accepted, so long as margins are not too large to print.

    Keep document formatting to a minimum:

    • Run all text flush left and ragged right; do not justify the right margin.
    • Do not run headers or footers on text pages.
    • Do not use hanging indents.
    • Use upper/lower case letters in plain type You may use centering or enlarged type to show titles and subheads if you wish, but do not use underscoring, boldface, all caps, small caps, or other displays.
    • Do not create extra space between paragraphs; one extra space (only) above subheads is OK. Keep the following in mind when inputting:
    • Use type to show italics (not underlining) and sub- and superscripts.
    • Use type for letters with diacritics only when the symbols are standard in your software program; never access type from a special chart or from another software program. See Special Characters and Fonts.
    • Never use all caps (acronyms excepted), either as displays or in text; avoid small caps (exceptions: B.C.; B.C.E.).
    • Use the tab key to indent (not the spacebar).
    • Do not use “soft” hyphens or hyphenation programs; avoid end-of-the-line word breaks.
    • Use the numeral “1” for one (never the letter “l”), the numeral “0” for zero (never the letter “O”).
    • Show a dash with two hyphens (no extra space either side).
    • Use only one space after a period or semicolon.

    Foreign Language Issues

    All technical terms in Buddhist languages, etc., except proper names, are italicized. Chinese (i.e., Standard, or Mandarin, Chinese)

    1. Use pinyin, follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, 10.100 –10.103, 425–428.
    2. Diacritics: in the pinyin system, observe the rare diaeresis over the “u”:
      • lüan, lüe, nü, nüe [pinyin]
    3. For the proper Romanization of Chinese syllables, follow the “Pinyin to Wade- Giles”/“Wade-Giles to Pinyin” conversion table in The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, Table 10.2, pp. 426–427.


    • Do not use bold except for the first
    • Use italics for emphasis rather than bold or underscoring. But do not over use italics for emphasis.


    • The first heading is in roman small caps typeface.
    • Subheadings are in italic caps and lower case letters.


    • Book titles are italicized; article titles are enclosed in quotation marks.
    • Conference titles such as “Interreligious Dialogue and Co-existence” are in quotation marks, not italics.
    • Transliterations in the title and headings should be the same as in the body of the article paragraphs.
    • No extra line space between paragraphs.
    • New paragraphs are indented (except for the first paragraph of a new section, which is aligned left).


    • Use only double quotation marks (except for quotes within a quote, which use single marks).
    • Quotes of 40 words and more are to be displayed (indented, with one line before and one line after); quotes of less than 40 words to be run on.
    • Text within quotations must not be standardized (this includes capitalization and standardization of transliterations).


    • Space between initials in a name (e.g., K. N. Jayatilleke).


    • Spaced ellipsis, without brackets; four spaced dots when including a full stop.


    • The journal uses only endnotes. Endnotes should come at the end of the article and should present substantive information. Bibliographic citation in end-notes should be in-line with Chicago Manual of Style, 15th , rev. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003) (see below for examples).
    • Endnote indicators in the body of the text should be in superscript.
    • If the endnote comes at the end of a quote, the note indicator comes after the closing quote marks: “… an important religious community in Asia today.”
    • Page citations in endnotes should not contain letters “p” or “pp.”

    Examples of endnote references


    David J. Kalupahana, A History of Buddhist Philosophy: Continuities and Discontinuities (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992), 68.

    Chapter in a book: 

    Mahinda Deegalle, “Buddhist Prayer?: A Reflection,” in Rita M. Gross and Terry C. Muck, ed., Christians Talk about Buddhist Meditation and Buddhists Talk about Christian Prayer (New York and London: Continuum, 2003), 118–131.

    Journal article:

    David W. Chappell, “Religious Identity and Openness in a Pluralistic World,” Buddhist-Christian Studies

    25 (2005): 10.


    • American English.


    • “That” to be used only in restrictive relative clauses; “which” to be used in descriptive relative clauses.
    • “Since” to be used only with reference to a passed period of time, not as a synonym of “because”; “while” to be changed to “although” when not used specifically in terms of a time relationship of some sort.


    • Use serial commas (i.e., place a comma before “and” in a list; g., “red, white, and blue”).
    • Periods and commas go inside quotation marks; semicolons and colons go outside quotation marks.
    • Commas after “e.g.” and “i.e.”
    • Use unspaced em-dashes (—).
    • Use apostrophe + s for possessives of words ending in –s, e.g., “Edwards’s view.”
    • Numbers 
    • Numbers one to ninety-nine are written out; numbers 100 and over are in numerals (but “36 percent”).
    • Approximations in place of numbers are written out (e.g., “around eight hundred”).
    • “chapter 1” “chapter 2,” “chapters 8–11,” etc., not “chap. 1” or “chapter ”
    • Change fractions to decimals where possible.
    • No elision of numbers: pages 232–238, not 232–38; 1980–1984, not 1980–84.


    • For authors, give complete dates: Anagārika Dharmapāla (1864–1933).
    • 1500s, not 1500’s.
    • “1970s,” not “seventies.”
    • “Seventh century,” not “Seventh Century” or “7th ”
    • 400 B.C.E., 1500 C.E. not 400 B.C., A.D.
    • March 5, not March 5th.
    • Ranges: 1915–1926 (use an en-dash, not a hyphen).
    • Lists
    • Numbered lists and notes in text: (1) . . . (2) . . . , (no superscripts); each item in a list is followedby a semi-colon.

    Figures and Charts 

    • For figures mentioned in text: Figure 1; Figure 2
    • For figure caption : Fig. 1 ; Fig. 2
    • Charts are in tables and do not use tabs.
  • Editorial Board
  • Editors

    Thomas Cattoi and Kristin Johnston Largen

    News and Views Editor

    John Becker

    Book Reviews Editor

    Jason VonWachenfeldt

    Editorial Advisory Board

    Francis X. Clooney

    Catherine Cornille

    Kenneth Tanaka

    Ruben Habito

    Elizabeth Harris

    Sallie King

    Paul Knitter

    Leo Lefebure

    Carolyn Jones Medine

    Bee Scherer

    Judith Simmer-Brown

  • Indexes
  • Articles appearing in Buddhist-Christian Studies are indexed and/or abstracted in:

    American Theological Library Association Religion Database (ATLA)

    Asian Religious Studies Information

    Atla Religion Database

    Book Review Index

    Index to the Study of Religion Online

    Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG)

    (IBZ) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

    (IBR) International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Beginning in 2017, the journal has been accepted for indexing in Scopus.

    Clarivate Analytics–
    Emerging Sources Citation Index
    Web of Science

    Academic Search Alumni Edition, 11/1/2001-
    Academic Search Complete, 11/1/2001-
    Academic Search Elite, 11/1/2001-
    Academic Search Premier, 11/1/2001-
    Academic Search Ultimate, 11/1/2001-
    Academic Search: Main Edition, 11/1/2001-
    Advanced Placement Source, 11/1/2001-
    ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 1981-2015
    Biography Index: Past and Present (H.W. Wilson), vol.23, 2003-vol.28, 2008
    Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson), May 2003-
    Current Abstracts, 11/1/2001-
    Humanities Abstracts (H.W. Wilson), 11/1/2003-
    Humanities Index (Online), 2003/05-
    Humanities International Complete, 11/1/2001-
    Humanities International Index, 11/1/2001-
    Humanities Source, 11/1/2001-
    Humanities Source Ultimate, 11/1/2001-
    MainFile, 11/1/2001-
    OmniFile Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson), 11/1/2004-
    OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson), 11/1/2004-
    Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, 11/1/2001-
    Religion & Philosophy Collection, 11/1/2001-
    Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
    TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 11/1/2001-

    Academic OneFile, 01/2000-
    Book Review Index Plus
    Expanded Academic ASAP, 01/2000-
    General OneFile, 01/2000-
    InfoTrac Custom, 1/2000-
    Religion and Philosophy Collection, 01/2000 –

    ArticleFirst, vol.12, 1992-vol.31, no.1, 2011
    Electronic Collections Online, vol.20, no.1, 2000-vol.31, no.1, 2011
    Humanities Index (Online), 2003/05-

    Professional ProQuest Central, 01/01/1998-
    ProQuest 5000, 01/01/1998-
    ProQuest 5000 International, 01/01/1998-
    ProQuest Central, 1/1/1998-
    Religion Database, 01/01/1998-
    Research Library, 01/01/1998-

    Religious & Theological Abstracts, Inc.–
    Religious & Theological Abstracts