Journal of Korean Religions
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Additional Information
The Journal of Korean Religions is the only English-language academic journal dedicated to the study of Korean religions. It aims to stimulate interest in and research on Korean religions across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. Launched in 2010 by the Institute for the Study of Religion at Sogang University in Korea, it is peer-reviewed and published twice yearly, in April and October.
Only available electronically from 2021 forward.
To purchase available print back issues see “Single Issues” tab below.
Sponsor: Institute for the Study of Religion, Sogang University
- Recent Articles
Religion and Contentious Politics: Korean Catholicism and the Early 1980s Democracy Movement
Posted on Wednesday November 06, 2024A Re-examination of Cho Soang’s Thinking on Yuksŏnggyo
Posted on Wednesday November 06, 2024The Fluid Religious Landscape of Chosŏn Korea: The Hermitage of Eternal Memory (Yŏngsa-am 永思庵) and Other Graveside Hermitages (punam 墳庵) of the Kigye Yu Lineage
Posted on Wednesday November 06, 2024Korean Spirit-writing Scriptures Based on Wenchang Belief in the 19th Century
Posted on Wednesday November 06, 2024Women and Monastic Families in Colonial Korean Buddhism
Posted on Wednesday November 06, 2024 - Single Issues
- Volume 9, Number 2, September 2018
- Confucian Spirituality in East Asian Contexts
- Volume 9, Number 2, September 2018
- Volume 9, Number 1, March 2018
- Religions in Cold War Korea and Peacemaking
- Volume 8, Number 2, September 2017
- Religion and Media in Korea
- Volume 7, Number 2, September 2016
- Urban Aspirations in Seoul
- Volume 7, Number 1, March 2016
- General Issue
- Volume 10, Number 1, March 2019
- Buddhism in the Colonial Period
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JKR invites contributions from senior and junior scholars researching on any aspects of Korean religions from a wide range of perspectives, including religion, philosophy, theology, literature, folklore, art, anthropology, history, sociology, political science, and cultural studies. Articles submitted for consideration should be under 10,000 words in length (including footnotes: bibliographies and appendices are additional) and should not have appeared elsewhere or be under review for publication elsewhere. JKR also welcomes book reviews (up to 1,000 words) and review articles (up to 3,000 words).
Find Submission Guidelines for the Journal of Korean Religions here.
So-Yi CHUNG, Sogang University, Korea
Don BAKER, University of British Columbia, Canada
Associate Editors
Bernard SENÉCAL, Sogang University, Korea
Soyi CHUNG, Sogang University, Korea
Managing Editor
Matty WEGEHAUPT, Lawrence University, USA
Copy Editor
Daniel C. KANE, University of Hawaii, USA
Advisory Board
Robert E. BUSWELL, Jr., University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Kwang CHO, Korea University, Korea
Martina DEUCHLER, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK
James H. GRAYSON, University of Sheffield, UK
Hee-Sung KEEL, Sogang University, Korea
Laurel KENDALL, American Museum of Natural History, USA
Kwang-Ok KIM, Seoul National University, Korea
Kang-nam OH, University of Regina, Canada
Young Chan RO, George Mason University, USA
Editorial Board
Yannick BRUNETON, Université Paris 7, France
Antonetta L. BRUNO, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Evelyne CHEREL-RIQUIER, Université de la Rochelle, France
Eunsu CHO, Seoul National University, Korea
Hyaeweol CHOI, Australian National University, Australia
John DUNCAN, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Antonio EGIGUREN, Verbiest Institute, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
John GOULDE, Sweet Briar College, USA
Nam-lin HUR, University of British Columbia, Canada
Andrew E. KIM, Korea University, Korea
Chongsuh KIM, Seoul National University, Korea
Kirsteen KIM, Leeds Trinity University, UK
Yunseong KIM, Hanshin University, Korea
Heonik KWON, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK
Timothy LEE, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University, USA
Nathalie LUCA, CNRS, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, France
Richard MCBRIDE, Brigham Young University – Hawaii, USA
Izumi NIWA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Sung-Deuk OAK, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Peter Y. PAIK, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Jin Y. PARK, American University, USA
Kwangsoo PARK, Wonkwang University, Korea
Michael J. PETTID, Binghamton University, USA
Jörg PLASSEN, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Articles appearing in the Journal of Korean Religions are indexed and/or abstracted in:
ATLA Religion Database
(IBZ) International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences
(IBR) International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences
- EBSCOhost–
ATLA Religion Database (American Theological Library Association), 2010-2017 - Gale–
Religion and Philosophy Collection, 04/2015 – - Clarivate Analytics–
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Current Contents
Web of Science